Gathered in the Sister Lisa Gambacorto Theater on Wednesday morning were members of the freshmen class as they were treated to a bagel breakfast and warm welcomes from JoAnn Rojek Minnicino '74, P'11 (Alumnae Association President) and Erika Parisse Demetrick '89, P'22. Both Mrs. Minnicino and Mrs. Demetrick echoed the value of the Mount sisterhood and how impactful the bond will remain throughout the students' lives. They reflected on their experiences at the Mount, and encouraged the students to become involved over the next four years, and to cherish the culture they are blessed to be a part of at the Mount.
At the conclusion of the gathering, freshmen were gifted with beautiful Mount blue garment bags for their white gowns which feature the official school seal. They were a gift of the Mount Saint Mary Academy Alumnae Association as a start of a new tradition.