Three Students Compete in Falcon Fiesta Speech Tournament

Michelle H. Daino
On January 26, three members of the Mount's Forensics Speech & Debate Team competed virtually in Denver, Colorado in the first annual Falcon Fiesta Speech Tournament. Hosted asynchronously by Highlands Ranch High School, Mount Saint Mary Academy competed against 13 other schools from across the United States. 
Lana Abbott, Co-Moderator/Coach, said, "Our team is constantly seeking new tournaments to try which often offer interesting categories, such as Radio Speaking or Improvisational Acting.  One of the silver linings of the pandemic is that our Mounties can easily compete virtually with students from all over the country not just in the Northeast."
We are very proud of the following young ladies who performed their pieces at the very first Falcon Fiesta Tournament. 
  • Emily Abbott '22  Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut; Dramatic Interpretation of Literature  
  • Grace Glynn '23  Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes and Assorted Poems on bullying and loneliness; Oral Interpretation of Literature (Prose and Poetry) 
  • Grace Puglisi '25  The Story of My LIfe by Helen Keller and You Will Never See Me Fall a poem by Joyce Elcantara;Oral Interpretation of Literature (Prose and Poetry) 
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